
"I get stuck on stupid details, like college degrees."

I was reading Exodus a few weeks ago. Specifically, I was reading about Moses and the burning bush. It's a story I've heard many times, but this day God breathed some new life into the plot. New life. And some humor.

Side note: I like to think that God uses humor with me because I'm His child...who He created...with a healthy appetite for wit. [Before Christ, when I was a *non* recovering perfectionist, I had a particular, raging appetite for sarcasm. Usually the dry, biting kind that tore other people down. The Holy Spirit convicted me about that. Luckily, God's since shown me you can be hilarious and still love Jesus.] 
Side side note: hilarious does not = witty b*****...but that's another blog post entirely.


For a little background, last fall my church's youth pastor encouraged me to consider doing an internship with the youth at our church. I said no. Actually, I said:

"I prayed about it and I don't feel this is right." 

I did pray about it. But when you don't want someone to question your decision about something, you say God told you so. Someone might disagree with your decision, but he/she won't take on God. [Now you know, for next time]. In truth, I was intimidated and felt incompetent and wanted in no way to commit myself to anymore time in Mitchell than absolutely necessary. I had a lot of excuses to say no. Legitimate ones. Lack of experience. Personality flaws. Different areas of interest. My age. An entire: "This-Will-Never-Work-Out-Because-Of-_________ , list."

My pastor let it go, for awhile. But he asked me in March to consider the internship again. If you've read any of my past blog posts, you'll know a lot of life has happened to me since last fall. Namely, Mitchell seems to be much more permanent than I'd hoped. So I started praying about it a little more purposely this time.

Re-enter: the Exodus/Moses story. As I read about Moses standing in front of the burning bush, listing his excuses before God as to why he was not up to the task at hand, I pictured myself in the church office, reciting my "This-Will-Never-Work-Out-Because-Of __________, list" to my pastor. 

Of course I am [or imagine myself to be] much younger, cleaner, and more feminine than Moses...and my pastor wasn't a shrub [nor on fire]...but I trust you can see the parallels nonetheless. 

And that's when God gave me a fresh, humorous Word. Very clearly in my mind's-eye I saw Moses standing before the burning bush...overwhelmed...avoiding eye-contact with the flames...staring down and to the left at a small hill of sand...nervously twisting an un-sandaled heel into the ground...as he stammered, 

"Yahweh, I...uh...well, I didn't really MAJOR in Leading People Out of Egypt."

I think I snorted aloud at this point. And in that one, hilariously divine daydream, I knew God was answering my prayer. 

I started the internship this morning. And I...uh...didn't really MAJOR in Youth Ministry

9 But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me.  -2 Cor 12:9

Has God ever used your funny bone to teach you a lesson?

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